The Real Estate Appraiser and the Law

by Howard Jackson


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Don't get caught legally unaware--

This book is a must read for real estate appraisers, brokers and attorneys. It explains in a clear way the sometimes difficult but important areas of the law that impact the real estate and legal professions.

Some of the main areas covered are how to become an outstanding expert witness, malpractice, ethics, standards of proof, stare decisis, attorney ploys on cross examination, how to become an excellent expert witness, how to bullet proof an appraisal, negligence, common mistakes appraisers make, how to compare two appraisals on the same property.

The book is laced with illustrative examples and citations to the court reports. There is also a five page key word index for easy reference. It is organized so that concepts, principles, guidelines, techniques and recommendations presented will have an immediate, medium and long term positive impact on the appraiser who wants to improve the quality of an appraisal or an attorney who wants to gain better insight into appraisal and legal concepts or someone from any profession who wants to learn to become an outstanding expert witness.

About the Author

Howard Jackson, MAI, is a real estate appraiser, expert witness, national speaker, informal success coach, computer specialist and author of the following books "Key Writings in Real Estate©"(1981) "Real Estate Values and You©" (1986) and "Understanding Real Estate Values for Successful Investing©" (1987) and "The Secrets of Power Politicking© (2000). Additionally, he has written many articles and monograms published both nationally and locally.