Author Royalties 20%-40%

Most paperbacks are priced at $25.95 (depending on the length), and $24.00 for electronic ebook editions. Authors receive a 40% royalty on the retail price on sales through the publisher at the full retail price, and a 20% royalty when sold through a bookseller at a reseller discount (see table below.) Author royalties are paid quarterly and apply to all sales of the work after the first three copies sold in each calendar quarter.

   Paperback copies purchased at
Total Pages Retail Price 40% Royalty
up to 199 $25.95 $10.38
200-299 $32.95 $13.18
400+ 11¢/pg 4.4¢/pg

   Paperback copies sold through bookstores

Total Pages Retail Price 20% Royalty
up to 199 $25.95 $5.19
200-299 $32.95 $6.59
401+ 11¢/pg 2.2¢/pg

Electronic copies purchased at

Total Pages Retail Price 40% Royalty
unlimited as low as $24.00 $9.60

Electronic copies sold through booksellers and ebook vendors

Total Pages Retail Price 20% Royalty
unlimited as low as $24.00 $4.80

Retail prices are typical, actual price may be different. Author royalties are paid quarterly and apply to all sales of the work after the first three copies sold in each calendar quarter.

Authors may purchase copies of their own work at 40% off the retail price plus shipping. Author orders over 100 copies receive a 50% discount. (These copies are non-commissionable and do not count toward royalties).

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