Practical Strategies for Effective Law Firm Knowledge Management

by Martin Apistola (editor)


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This book is about knowledge management (KM) in law firms. Knowledge has gained increased recognition in management literature as well as in management practice over the last decade as an important strategic resource and differentiating factor. The focus of the book is on the academic and practical efforts directed at identifying essential KM issues such as the form of knowledge and cultural values in law firms, as well as mechanisms that, for example, support sharing and developing knowledge in law firms.

By the same author: Essential Knowledge and Management Issues in Law Firms

About the Author

Dr. Martin Apistola teaches and researches knowledge management in law practice at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His Ph.D. thesis concerns knowledge management in large Dutch law firms. For his B.Sc. thesis on models for legal knowledge management, he received the JURIX award for best thesis in the field of AI&Law. JURIX is the Dutch/Belgian foundation for scientific research in the field of AI & Law. He has published extensively on knowledge management in law firms and the use of IT in the judiciary.